Improve customer satisfaction with Kofax SignDoc®

Join leading organisations in reducing costs by moving away from wet ink signature processes with e-Signature

With SignDoc® from Kofax, your customers, employees and business partners all reap the benefits of trustworthy, secure and convenient paperless signing every day whether signing in-person or online.

Leading organisations in banking, insurance, retail and many other industries worldwide now use the Kofax SignDoc® electronic signature family of products to reduce their operational costs, speed time to closure, improve customer satisfaction, stay compliant and operate securely. Moving away from wet-ink signature processes to electronic signatures helps organisations achieve these performance goals, and has become an integral part of Digital Transformation initiatives alongside other Kofax capture and OnBase ECM solutions.

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Full integration with Kofax TotalAgility, or as a standalone solution

SignDoc® e-Signature can be integrated into various business processes and environments throughout your organisation, including signing orchestration workflow, web-based middleware, desktop client, plug-in or SDK. SignDoc® is available as a standalone solution or as part of the broader Kofax TotalAgility® platform, which may be deployed on-premise or in the cloud. Looking for financial process automation? We offer a range of products to help your business grow with time saving automation.

Mobile capture & SignDoc

What are the benefits of SignDoc?

Save money with RPA from Twofold Ltd

Reduce operational costs

Decrease paper usage in your signing processes. Go digital end-to-end, and completely paperless by replacing wet-ink signing and print-ship-scan procedures with digital signatures.
Increase speed and efficiency with RPA from Twofold Ltd

Speed Time to Closure

Cut time needed to complete contracts or approvals from days to minutes. Meaning you get quicker turnarounds, your customers are happier and less likely to move to a competitor due to waiting times.

Improve Customer Satisfaction

Transform your customer experience using the communications channel of their choice― enable them to sign on any device, anytime, anywhere.
Improve quality with RPA from Twofold Ltd

Stay Compliant

Improve compliance to legal requirements such as US ESIGN Act and EU eIDAS Regulation and help avoid litigation by providing a traceable, end-to-end audit trail of all process steps and transactions.

Operate Securely

Mitigate risk of external or internal fraud attempts by adding additional layers of trust, leveraging multi-factor authentication, digital certificates and signature biometrics.
Save time with letter openers from Twofold Ltd

Quick Deployment

Create, send, track, and sign documents and forms digitally for quick deployment. Or, embed signed documents and forms deeply into your own applications or workflows to create more tailored experiences.

Digital Transformation

In an increasingly digital world led by online giants like Amazon and Google, many businesses are looking to embrace a move into digital. Thankfully there are a range of digital transformation solutions from Twofold that can help ease this transition and saving you time and money.

Digital Mailroom

A digital mailroom from Twofold can be deployed to solve a single department’s problem or to revolutionise your whole organisation. We deliver world-class solutions to reduce your costs, keep you compliant, improve customer service and increase efficiency.

Outbound Document Management

With ODM you can manage outbound communication with customers, enabling you to quickly and simply create personalised communication. You’ll be able to simplify and centralise the preparation of all your customer communications for your folder inserters.

Document Scanning

The latest in scanning technology and functionality enables you to do so much more than just capture an image. Documents can be automatically identified, scanned or digitised, then passed back through as an electronic document to follow the same route as an email, fax or e-form.


Our technology is designed to work in a way that works with your business. Some of our customers buy the platform to deploy department by department, others choose to solve one problem at a time knowing the technology will grow into a strategic solution that fits their IT architecture.

ECM -OnBase and DocuWare

ECM is an umbrella term that typically encompasses various technologies. Whatever format your business takes, from paper documents to electronic data streams, our Content Service solutions can capture it all, making it available from one central place.

Kofax Total Agility

As a Platinum partner of Kofax, Twofold have invested in the skills required to implement and support your Kofax environment. TotalAgility is easy-to-use for modelling, design, analysis, simulation and testing of processes.

Kofax RPA

KOfax RPA is the world’s leading data acquisition and integration software solution, unique in its ability to give business users the ability to build a suite of applications without any scripting or programming skills.

Business Intelligence

If your business is looking to improve decision making, reduce costs and maximise efficiency, then an investment in business intelligence is a great way to identify opportunities for improvement.


Become efficient from first contact with your customers. Connect across all devices with intelligent eForms to provide fast service tranformation with flexible integration.


Whether your software is run locally or deployed in the cloud, Twofold has the ability to link to over 500 back end applications either with certified connectors, standard interface methodologies.

Kofax -Multi Channel Capture

Kofax delivers powerful, production level capture of documents and data from virtually any source, for example – scanners, mobile devices, websites, multi-function devices, e-mail, fax, web service, or folders.

SignDoc™ e-Signature

Leading organisations in banking, insurance, retail and many other industries worldwide now use SignDoc®. Reduce your operational costs, speed time to closure, improve customer satisfaction, stay compliant and operate securely.

Accreditations & Partners